• 25 июля 2019, четверг
  • Москва, Malaya Gruzinskaya street, 39, Moscow, 123557

Moscow Business Toastmasters #2 "Breakthrough Ideas"

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Sorry, registration is closed. It is possible that too many people have already registered for the event, or the registration period has expired. Details you can contact the organizers of the event.

Другие события организатора

2008 дней назад
25 июля 2019 c 19:00 до 21:00
Malaya Gruzinskaya street, 39, Moscow, 123557

Dear colleagues, the second meeting of Moscow Business Toastmasters (MBT) will take place this Thursday, July 25th at the offices of MKPPR (Malaya Gruzinskaya street, 39).

This Thursday, the topic of the meeting will "Breakthrough Ideas".  Speakers will talk about how innovative ideas and how they affect our daily life.

Deadline for registration Thursday 25th at 10:00h.

Registration is MANDATORY.


MBT is born to create a community of professionals who aim to master leadership, communication and public speaking skills in a professional & supportive environment.

Save the date and join us!


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